
AP Consulting Engineers > Residential

…On the way to your destination is a process that can be complicated and grueling. However, we have helped many, many homeowners (and homebuilders) through it to a successful conclusion…

Residential Development

From an addition to a residence to a large new subdivision; from a new sewer connection to a new water main to serve your property; from a brand new home for your or your client to a series of apartment buildings, every bit of our broad experience is brought to bear on your project to ensure that — whatever your vision — it becomes a reality.

APCE was started in the Northwest by a Northwest native. In a region with high standards for managing stormwater and a strong emphasis on low-impact solutions for stormwater, growing up in this region – the company and the founder – has allowed a thorough understanding of those priorities to soak into the APCE-approach to design. Knowing the demands of the region and the priorities of the jurisdictions allows us to chart the right course for your new residence or subdivision that ensures that it works the way you need it to while meeting the City, County, and State’s standards. At the end of the day, given all of the complexity and hassle in those standards, it is our priority and our privilege to be able to assist you in getting what you expect your residence or subdivision to be through the permitting process so that you can build it.

A new home is full to overflowing with family and possibilities and security and space to fill with a great new future. On the way to your destination is a process that can be complicated and grueling. However, we have helped many, many homeowners (and homebuilders) through it to a successful conclusion. We look forward to answering all of your questions, working with you on the layout of your home on your property, and ensuring that you have a set of drawings that is approved by the jurisdiction(s) that will be providing the permits to build your future residence.

From two lots to as many lots as you can envision and your property can accommodate, we can help you through the preliminary layouts, code studies, identification of other professionals that will need to be a part of your team, permitting, meetings with the jurisdiction, and design of access, road improvements, stormwater features, and utilities that will be required for the preliminary approval of your subdivision and, then, for the construction drawings and documents that will be required.

We look forward to preparing you and your project for initial meetings with the city or county, utility district or state staff to determine what they will require of your residence or subdivision.

Laying out your development to give you the greatest use of the space that you have available and balances that with the stormwater features, roads, and utilities that your house or subdivision will require is always the best option. Let us help you so that you have those answers as early in the process as possible.

Before you purchase a new piece of property or while you’re considering how to develop your current property, let us review your plans to help you understand and quantify the other features, utilities, and restrictions you will want to consider before you begin.

Stormwater solutions are most often at the core of our design. The size and type of stormwater facilities that any new residence or subdivision will need can have significant impacts on the cost of a project and the amount of space that is available to do what you really intend to do with your site. We know how to help you to ensure that you have all of these questions thoroughly addressed.

A requirement for every project that requires drainage review, low-impact (LID) stormwater features can offer credits to reduce the size of any other stormwater features that may be required for your project. A well-thought-through set of solutions, including permeable pavements, dispersion, or infiltration, can have positive impacts for your residence or subdivision and can reduce the regional impact on streams, rivers, and other conveyance systems.

Whether you’re fortunate enough to be developing a level piece of property or have significant concerns to deal with on a steep property, we will work with you to generate a smart design that ensures that you can work within that topography to build the residence or subdivision that you envisioned.

Road widening, curbs, gutters, ADA-compliant curb ramps and accessible routes, public utilities, landscaping strips, driveway aprons, and stormwater ditches may all be required by the jurisdiction reviewing your development. We have experience evaluating existing conditions, determining precisely what your jurisdiction will require, and preparing the deviation request or design and construction drawings that your residence or subdivision will require.

Where the stormwater runoff goes after it leaves your property and the impacts that it has can be a significant concern to you, to neighboring property owners, and to the jurisdiction that those properties are in. We can evaluate conditions in the field, design options for improving the off-site stormwater system so that it functions the way that it should, or provide stricter controls on your property so that your project won’t have significant impacts to downstream properties.

Whether you need a complete stormwater report or merely a written drainage assessment or a technical letter addressed to the jurisdiction in charge of issuing permits for your residence or subdivision, we can prepare that for you.

Whether the existing public streets that serve your property are in the wrong location or do not have the capacity to serve the amount of traffic or type of vehicles that your development will require, we have the experience to design the improvements to pavements, amenities, and utilities that those roads consist of and to ensure that they are sized correctly and laid out appropriately to serve the passenger vehicles, emergency vehicles, delivery vehicles, semi-trucks, buses, or other commercial vehicles that will be traveling to and from your residence or subdivision.

If your project doesn’t have immediate access to public water, sewer, or stormwater facilities or if the existing facilities need to be upgraded to serve your new residence or subdivision, we are very well versed in the requirements for designing and permitting extensions of those public facilities.

When the existing public sewer system is at a higher elevation that your new residence or subdivision, the solution may be to install a pressurized system for carrying the waste away from your property. We can use our experience designing pressurized mains that will serve the residences in an entire subdivision or simply a grinder pump to serve just your new house.

Whether roads or pavement for parking or access; pervious or impervious pavements; concrete, asphalt, or a system of pavers, we are ready and experienced with these features to incorporate them into the design of your project.

Whenever soil is exposed over the course of improving your property, features are necessary to prevent soil from eroding and being transported off of your property. We have prepared erosion control designs for projects of all types, from small to large, from simple to complex.

If your project exceeds the thresholds for requiring the State Department of Ecology Permit related to controlling erosion during construction, we have prepared the NOI’s, SWPPP’s, and public notices that your project will require.

If your project is required to have a SEPA checklist prepared, we have prepared many of them for jurisdictions throughout the region.

Should you find yourself in need of experts in design, permitting, and standard engineering practice, we are ready to offer our knowledge.


We look forward to applying our expertise to your project.

Client Feedback.


AP Consulting Engineers provided me with nothing less than exceptional service. When in dire need of a civil engineer, Adam Paul was prepared to address both expected and unexpected issues which initially prevented me from obtaining a permit approval from King County's Department of Permitting. His expertise in drainage and land development; knowledge in Washington State's and King County's building standards and requirements; and his overall collaborative approach in providing me with a TIR report in one day's time, has helped me to finally obtain the approval I needed from King County and quickly. As a result, I am back on track with my building schedule, on my way to breaking ground, and will soon will be building my dream home. I would highly recommend AP Consulting to help anyone in need of a professional civil engineer for their project.


- Lori, Client