APCE is in a New Place
Many of you have dropped in on us in our Harvey Road office over the last 4 years, although maybe not lately, given the state of the pandemic that has greatly changed your approach, and ours, to working and living and doing business. If you have driven by our Harvey Road in the last two weeks, though, you will likely have noticed that we’re not there.
We haven’t gone far. Our new offices are located on West Valley Highway just north of the intersection of 15th Street NW and West Valley Highway North in what should be more convenient to access from Highway 167. We’re at 1519 West Valley Highway in Suite 101, but if you have any trouble finding us, feel free to give us a call and we’ll be happy to guide you to our door…as soon as we’re able to meet with clients in person in our office again…which we hope will be soon.
Though the Harvey Road office was in a great location for a business in Auburn, the building ran out of space. Our conference room doubled as our lunch room (and then, finally, as another office) and the full-sized plotter moved around our building until it was finally tucked into one of the office spaces. Every time that we needed to add an engineer or two to work on the projects that you entrusted to us, it became a little more challenging to figure out where to station them without having to resort to a graveyard shift.
Now, however, the new office space provides a good amount of room to collaborate on your projects and to generate the solutions, innovations, and paperwork that every good project demands. It is a space that should work well for years to come.
We look forward to seeing you soon.